cool bird feeder

When I get my chickens to feed, it’s great to be able to feed them a bird feed. But when you’re putting your eggs in a basket, you don’t need the birds to feed you, and it’s nice to have that. I like to have my eggs on a post-processing plate because I can easily get them to eat, and I can use them to feed myself.

But when we put the eggs in our basket, they don’t like the new food. So one night I decided to do something about it. I dug up an old seed box and made a small hole in the bottom.

I have used this method for years, and it works really well. First of all, we put the feed in the hole, then we add some water. Then we add the egg and cover it with a little bit of the water. The next time I want to have my eggs, I just put them in the basket and leave it there for the night.

I feel like this is an easy fix, and I think it’s great that you are making a change, but it’s also really important that you don’t mess around with the egg. It’s important that the bird is in the basket, not that it’s in the feeder. If you let the egg get wet, you’re putting it at risk of getting eaten, so you want to make sure that the eggs are not wet.

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