gin and grenadine cocktail

I’ve been making this gin and grenadine cocktail since the summer of 2013. My mom gave it to me as a gift and it has been one of the most requested cocktails that I’ve made in my years of cooking. The gin and grenadine cocktail is great for any kind of gathering, especially for a cocktail party. So go ahead and invite friends over to a cocktail party and then make this gin and grenadine cocktail.

This gin and grenadine cocktail is so simple it will knock your socks off. Youll only have to make three different servings. You can drink it as is, or you can let it finish off in a cocktail shaker. You can also just leave it in your fridge and it will come out in just a few hours.

You can find this drink in our recipes tab. We love gin martini’s and this is a gin and grenadine martini that is so versatile you can add it to vodka martini, or maybe even just a vodka martini if you want to.

You can also keep the grenadine in the fridge for a few weeks, and when you’re ready to mix it up, just open the bottle up and pour it into the shaker, fill the rest of the shaker with ice, and shake. The flavor will just get stronger and stronger as it sits in the refrigerator. It’s just a great drink and a fun recipe.

No gin martini recipe I’ve ever seen is as easy as this one is. It’s a pretty simple mix, but still has a lot going on. You can also buy some of the ingredients separately, so if you want to make your own gin martini, this will be the one for you.

I know, the gin and grenadine combo sounds awesome. But the ingredients are pretty basic. Its a combination of gin and grenadine that should give you a really good buzz while it mixes. You can also just use regular gin and grenadine. Its fun to play around with. I like to make my own mix of gin and grenadine, and I use this recipe.

I really love using this recipe, and I think I have it down to about a tablespoon in it. I usually add a bit more gin to the mix. When I mix it up, sometimes I like to add a bit more grenadine. Usually I like to add about 1/4 teaspoon grenadine to the rest of the ingredients. I think that the combination of the gin and grenadine gives it a really nice, good flavor.

I think I’ve made this cocktail at least ten times now, and I think that it works well. I like to drink it with a little tonic. I find if I add a little water to the top of the drink, it also helps the flavor of the gin and grenadine come through. I have also made this drink with a little vodka, and I think that the gin and grenadine flavors are balanced nicely.

It’s funny, but I can’t quite figure out why I like this drink more than the gin and grenadine cocktail. Maybe its just the gin. Maybe its just grenadine. Maybe its just that I’ve made this drink way more often than I should. Maybe it’s just that I was drunk for the first time in my life last night, and it was so much fun to make.

I think that you could easily make the gin and grenadine cocktail at home as well. It just takes a bit of experimentation, but the proportions are pretty simple and it’s very easy to make.

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