gin and tonic bottle

My mother was a big fan of drinking gin and tonic. When she grew up, she drank gin and tonic with every meal. She didn’t drink the tonic in the glass, but instead poured the drink straight into a glass. You can tell she loved it because she’d pour it all over her plate and it always tasted better than the bottle.

Well, my mother was not a gin and tonic fan. She was a gin and tonic drinker. I think that it is the type of gin she liked. I know it was tonic, because she drank it in the glass. It was not a gin & tonic bottle.

To add to the confusion, there is no suggestion of gin or tonic in the final version of the game. The real joke is that the game is a little like the first one, where people will drink gin and tonic but they’re not drinking tonic. The real joke is that people will drink gin and tonic with no idea what to drink. That’s the joke I have with gin and tonic.

The gag is that you can drink gin and tonic with no idea what to drink, and you can drink gin and tonic where no one knows what to drink. That is just so funny because people who know what theyre drinking will be the ones with the gin and tonic.

If youre drinking gin, youll have to drink gin and tonic, right? Youll have to drink gin with no idea what to drink, and youll have to drink gin with no idea what to drink with a tonic in your hand.

So, in terms of drinking with gin and tonic, a good time to do it is before you get to the bar. If youre on a drinking date with a woman who’s drinking gin with tonic, you should probably try to get her drunk first. If you’re on a date with a guy who’s on gin and tonic, you can probably just order a gin cocktail and a tonic.

Speaking of gin, we have a new gin and tonic bottle in the office. The guys are excited to show off their new gin and tonic, and I hope that they’ll also let us have a tonic in the office. This is part of the new campaign “You will now be able to order your gin with tonic in the office.” The campaign also encourages employees to drink gin and tonic with their coworkers.

I don’t drink gin and tonic, but I think the new campaign is awesome. It takes two simple things: gin and a tonic, and makes it easy for people to order more than just one of these drinks. It also encourages the people who drink tonic to order gin. The campaign is part of a new campaign We will start a campaign about a gin and tonic. We want to encourage the people who drink tonic to order gin.

The campaign also encourages employees to drink gin and tonic with their coworkers. I don’t drink gin and tonic. I think gin and tonic is cool, and I think it would be a fun thing to drink with coworkers, but I don’t think I’d really drink one anyway.

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