rum and club soda

We’ve all had that rum-and-club-soda moment. You’re at the bar and you’re just taking a swig and drinking all of it, and you’re completely aware that you’ve had a drink and not anything you should be doing, and something that was going on in your brain just happened.

One of the most famous examples I can think of is the film American Psycho. The film takes place around the time of the Columbine High School massacre, and in it, the protagonist finds himself in the middle of a very public tragedy, and yet he is unable to stop drinking. He just keeps drinking. Of course, he eventually begins to act out of character, and eventually his drinking leads to him killing his family, and he is sentenced to life in prison.

The problem with any such scenario is that when you start thinking about it as a film, it is almost impossible to keep your mind from constantly slipping back to that moment. It is almost impossible to keep our mind from slipping back to the moment when we were sitting in a car, watching a movie, and thinking about how strange the world was.

That’s why it’s so important to have a good rum and soda. We can slip right back into the moment we were sitting in the movie, and the movie is still there, we just haven’t been able to remember what happened in it.

It’s been over two hundred years since the last game.

It is almost as if we could slip back into the moment we were sitting in the movie and the movie is still there, we just havent been able to remember what happened in it.

The other reason to be a bit paranoid is that its all about being a party, a party I wanted to go to.We were in the middle of throwing our party away, but there was no way out. It was kind of weird and we didn’t want to let it get in the way of what we wanted to do, because why would we want to go there? So you have to go and have a good party, but you don’t want to go back home.

I am not going to lie, I am a bit of a control freak too. I like to be in charge of a lot of things, but I really don’t like to allow my actions to control me. I like to think I have control over my own actions, but they don’t always happen as I planned or expected them to happen. Instead, I tend to overdo things sometimes, like when I have a major surgery or something.

Yeah, I should have had a rum and soda, then I could take a leak.

The problem with life is that sometimes you have to take a step back and make a decision to take a step forward. It’s a very simple principle. It’s as simple as thinking before you act. If you’re going to be in a position where you have to make a decision, you should do it all at once. For instance, if you have to choose between going to the grocery store and getting your child to school, you should take them both.

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