Wilderness therapy programs have gained popularity in recent years as a way to help troubled teens overcome their challenges and develop important life skills. One such program, Trails Carolina, has been praised for its approach to outdoor therapy. However, behind the scenes, there have been numerous reports of abuse, neglect, and dangerous practices. In this article, we will delve into the dark side of Trails Carolina, exploring the horror stories that have emerged and shedding light on the need for greater regulation and oversight in the wilderness therapy industry.

The Promise of Wilderness Therapy

Wilderness therapy programs like Trails Carolina often market themselves as a transformative experience for struggling teens. They promise to provide a safe and supportive environment where participants can develop resilience, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills. By immersing participants in nature and removing them from the distractions of everyday life, these programs aim to create a space for personal growth and healing.

The Reality of Trails Carolina

While Trails Carolina may present itself as a reputable wilderness therapy program, numerous horror stories have emerged that paint a different picture. Former participants and their families have come forward with allegations of abuse, neglect, and dangerous practices within the program.

Abuse and Neglect

One of the most disturbing aspects of the Trails Carolina horror stories is the prevalence of abuse and neglect. Former participants have reported instances of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse at the hands of staff members. These allegations include physical restraints, verbal humiliation, and inappropriate relationships between staff and participants.

Furthermore, there have been reports of neglect, with participants being denied access to necessary medical care or being subjected to harsh and punitive disciplinary measures. These practices not only violate basic human rights but also undermine the supposed therapeutic goals of the program.

Dangerous Practices

In addition to abuse and neglect, Trails Carolina has been accused of engaging in dangerous practices that put participants’ safety at risk. Former participants have described being forced to engage in physically demanding activities without proper training or supervision, leading to injuries and accidents.

Moreover, the program’s emphasis on isolation and deprivation can have detrimental effects on participants’ mental and emotional well-being. Many former participants have reported feeling isolated, anxious, and traumatized as a result of their experiences at Trails Carolina.

The Need for Regulation and Oversight

The horror stories surrounding Trails Carolina highlight the urgent need for greater regulation and oversight in the wilderness therapy industry. Currently, there is no standardized accreditation or licensing process for wilderness therapy programs, allowing for a lack of accountability and transparency.

Regulation and oversight would ensure that programs like Trails Carolina adhere to strict guidelines regarding participant safety, staff qualifications, and ethical practices. It would also provide a mechanism for reporting and addressing allegations of abuse or neglect, protecting vulnerable participants from harm.


While wilderness therapy programs like Trails Carolina may promise transformative experiences for troubled teens, the horror stories that have emerged paint a different picture. Reports of abuse, neglect, and dangerous practices within the program highlight the need for greater regulation and oversight in the wilderness therapy industry.

By implementing standardized accreditation and licensing processes, we can ensure that wilderness therapy programs prioritize participant safety and adhere to ethical practices. It is crucial that we protect vulnerable individuals from the potential harm that can arise from unregulated programs. Only then can wilderness therapy truly fulfill its promise of healing and personal growth.


1. Are all wilderness therapy programs like Trails Carolina?

No, not all wilderness therapy programs are like Trails Carolina. While there have been horror stories associated with Trails Carolina, it is important to recognize that there are reputable wilderness therapy programs that prioritize participant safety and adhere to ethical practices. However, the lack of regulation and oversight in the industry makes it difficult for families to distinguish between trustworthy programs and those with potential risks.

2. How can families ensure the safety of their loved ones in wilderness therapy programs?

Families considering wilderness therapy programs should thoroughly research and vet potential programs. It is essential to inquire about the program’s accreditation, staff qualifications, safety protocols, and participant-to-staff ratios. Additionally, speaking with former participants and their families can provide valuable insights into the program’s practices and reputation.

3. What steps can be taken to improve regulation and oversight in the wilderness therapy industry?

Improving regulation and oversight in the wilderness therapy industry requires the establishment of standardized accreditation and licensing processes. These processes should include rigorous evaluations of program safety, staff qualifications, and ethical practices. Additionally, creating a centralized reporting system for allegations of abuse or neglect would ensure that concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

4. Are there any alternatives to wilderness therapy for troubled teens?

Yes, there are alternative therapeutic approaches for troubled teens that do not involve wilderness therapy. Residential treatment centers, therapeutic boarding schools, and outpatient therapy are some options worth considering. It is important for families to explore different programs and consult with mental health professionals to determine the most suitable approach for their loved ones.

5. What can individuals do to advocate for greater regulation in the wilderness therapy industry?

Individuals can advocate for greater regulation in the wilderness therapy industry by contacting their local representatives and expressing their concerns. Writing letters, making phone calls, and participating in public forums can help raise awareness about the need for oversight and encourage policymakers to take action. Additionally, supporting organizations that advocate for the rights and safety of participants in wilderness therapy programs can make a difference.

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